Give a Hope Box this Valentine's Day!

Our 9th Medical-Dental Clinic

On March 24-30, 2019 we'll be running our 9th medical-dental clinic for refugees in Lebanon. We're running a special fund-raising campaign through Adopt A Box and we invite you to join our efforts to give hope and healing to the hurting. 

Adopt A Box is an awesome fundraising tool developed by the son of the dentist who travels with us to Lebanon. Our goal is to raise $10,000 by March 18, 2019, and you can give as little as $1 or as much as you desire.


We see about 200 patients on average each day, and spend $10,000 on medical supplies and treatments. Every dollar you give goes towards the medical needs of the patients, and we take no administrative fees from the donations. 

Visit our global page to learn more about our work with refugees & our statistics page for an overview of previous clinics. 


Follow us on social media for live updates from Lebanon and to keep up to date with our campaign. Our mission remains to give hope and healing to the hurting and we can't wait to tell you how your gift touched lives!


Your friend,

Lina Abujamra