Kickstart Your Year with the New Year Hope Box!

Summary of our 10th medical-dental clinic in Lebanon

During Sept. 15-21, 2019 we ran our 10th medical-dental clinic for Syrian refugees in Lebanon, and this video summary will give you a good overview of our work there. 


We ran 5 days of clinic in the facilities of our partner church and saw just under 1,000 patients this time. I also went up north and treated 100 patients, and I had the joy of seeing two women of Muslim background give their life to Jesus.
As usual during the trips, we did visits in the tent communities to known and new families. We received donations to support two families repair their tent homes because their living conditions were extremely bad, and we’re so grateful for that!
Our spending for this trip was $5,000. We took $3,000 worth of meds with us from the US – huge praise in that our suitcases were almost confiscated, but God in his goodness allowed us to get through customs. 
People expressed so much thanks and love for the laundry baskets we donated recently, and soon we’ll be launching an Adopt A Box fundraising campaign for a shoe project. Will let you know more details soon.
I want you to know that I’m so grateful for your support, that you are part of the work we’re doing to give hope and healing, and that your prayers and gifts result in many expressions of thanks to God (2 Cor. 9:12-13).
Your friend,
Lina Abujamra